Lesson 2: Secrets of the Invisible Force

“We say that Zhima (spirit) being positive, and Zhi-gyu (matter) negative, it is only when the two come in contact as the former is brought to act upon the latter, that organized, living, self-acting matter is produced. Everything invisible, imponderable (the spirit of a thing) is positive, for it belongs to the world of reality; as everything solid, visible, is negative. Primate and ultimate, positive and negative. So much in our manifested world. As the forces move on and the distance between organized and unorganized matter becomes greater, a tendency towards the reverse begins to take place. The powers of attraction and repulsion become gradually weaker. Then a complete exchange of properties takes place, and for a time equilibrium is restored in an opposite order. At every grade further onward, or away toward their primary chaotic state, shifts no more mutually its property, but weakens gradually until it reaches the world of non-being, where exists the eternal mechanical motion, the uncreated cause from whence proceeds in a kind of incessant downward and upward rotation, the founts of being from non-being, the latter, the reality, the former maya, the temporary from the everlasting, the effect from its cause, the effect becoming in its turn cause ad infinitum. During the pralaya, that upward and downward motion ceases, inherent unconscious life alone remaining–all creative forces paralyzed, and everything resting in the night of mind.

There comes a time when polarity ceases to exist or act, as everything else. In the night of mind, all is equilibrized in the boundless cosmos in a state of non-action or non-being.”

– Morya, Mahatma Letter No. 29

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